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Sep 23rd 2022
1/ #DecolonisingIndianArmy @PMOIndia is ‘decolonising Indian Army’. Why should PMO step in? See this clip which was part of my YouTube video uploaded on 22 Jun 2022. Army was just not interested. Why? The resistance to change is deep.
2/ Any veteran criticising the ‘decolonising’ Indian Army is a beneficiary of the system and hence naturally expected to criticise. I have written extensively on ‘lanyard nepotism’, ‘killing of merit’, ‘dominance of the mediocre’, ‘rank race’ resulting in killing of merit.
3/ All of this happens due to the (British) Indian Army carrying on with British traditions where all those Brits who killed Indians retained names of their regiments post independence. The Infantry domination ensured that a mediocre Infantry officer can harbour dream to become
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