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Dec 13th 2022
How to Choose a Slot Machine
Since all game offers, regardless of classification, differ not only in graphics, but also in the rules of the game, it is important to decide what is better to play. Most slots offer a chance #DeepikaPadukone #DelhiAirport #Dreamers2022 mode of the game. In this case, you can get acquainted with the features of the slot machine without investing your own money. demo mode of classical or video slots allows you to play without restriction. However, in this case, you can not earn money, as the virtual money is on the account.But when choosing slots for real money, you should take into account these characteristics:

Themes and GraphicsEach slot machine has a specific genre and storyline. Graphics can be ordinary or with good animation
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Dec 10th 2022
I ended up paying @airindiain well over 25k INR for one side DEL-BLR for a flight I had originally booked for around 13k INR because of the chaos at Delhi Airport at T3.
Here's what happened:
Delhi Airport's jammed with a lot of rush due to holiday season because of which I'd highly recommend reaching much earlier for your domestic or international flight.
I had a 7:30am flight through Air India for which I had reached the check-in counter with my baggage by 6:22, over an hour before the closing time.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Missed a flight ...had to board the next one in say 5 hours...didn't want to miss my sadhana so saw that #DelhiAirport is nice enough to account for the cultural needs of passengers and has a separate prayer room. And decided to go spend the next 30 min there! 1/n
But my cultural needs I guess are different from those for whom this room is exclusively built :( or am I a minority and my cultural needs don't matter :( kya yaar ! When did my culture look like this ? Scratching head, sat down at that secret chamber and finished my 'prayers'!
How much does it take to have an all ' inclusive ' prayer room...??? It's a prayer room design a sarva Dharma prarthana kendr no...? Baaki sab toh variety hai, airport pe...toh isme kyun nahin ?
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