Harsha Bhat 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Author of #FromManjunathToManjamma, Writer, Linguist, Storyteller, Freelance Journalist, @alumnixaviers | Amchigeli, Tuluva, Kannadiga!
Jun 2, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
I am a writer not an activist. So when taken off the textbook committees and the like, i read 134 books that I read over 4 odd years is, and the result was my novel Aavarana ~ SLBhyrappa
#Thread That's when the likes of an Ananthmurthy started dismissing it and said I was no writer at all. The result was that in a matte rof says, newer editions began to be published. It is currently in its 65th edition in Karnataka, 19 in MH,18 in English and the likes..
Nov 20, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Suprabhatham from #AssiGhat #Varanasi Dhoop Aarti ! #AssiGhat #Kashi
Nov 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Missed a flight ...had to board the next one in say 5 hours...didn't want to miss my sadhana so saw that #DelhiAirport is nice enough to account for the cultural needs of passengers and has a separate prayer room. And decided to go spend the next 30 min there! 1/n But my cultural needs I guess are different from those for whom this room is exclusively built :( or am I a minority and my cultural needs don't matter :( kya yaar ! When did my culture look like this ? Scratching head, sat down at that secret chamber and finished my 'prayers'!
Mar 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Beautiful! As #KarnatakaFightsCorona
And #karnatakalockdown
Here is the state Dept offering
access to a variety of E books totally free of cost!
Visit karnatkadigitalpubliclibrary.org
Follow these steps
1] Open google chrome
3] Select login / register button
#books 4]Click on CREATE NOW (displayed in red)
5] Give name , mobile Number ,email and select a library from the drop down menu ( selection of library is compulsory)
6] Click on sign up
7] Will receive an OTP in your mentioned mobile number
8] Confirm OTP
9] Set password
Feb 19, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Personally, Shivaji has been some kind of a parallel journey as each time I would stray from my path, his name would be propped up by my mother almost like a tight slap - A reminder of both my individual potential and my civilisational duties. So here's a reread of his tales - How Chhatrapati Shivaji Scaled The Great Maratha Heights Using Hill Forts
