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Oct 4th 2020
RT Thread!

We've updated the #DemCastWTF 2020 Election Action Guide with some new actions!

Please share this resource, even if you don't click. 🙏

I'll share some of the opportunities for text & phone banking, postcarding & social campaigns in replies!
TODAY! This is the last day of the #AdoptPA Phonebank with @jonlovett and @votesaveamerica.

Joe HAS to win Pennsylvania. A great way to help! #DemCast…
Text banking with @fieldteam_6, TODAY at 11:30 PT / 2:30 ET!

They'll train you in their Spoke and Slack platforms for ~30 minutes. Once you're trained, you can head over to the Slack channel where a texting link will be provided.

Impact important races!…
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