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Dec 23rd 2022
Brainspoosh! #bkdk (past); #dkocha; inspired by crazy ex tiktok compilation
"Izuku...I have something to admit and..." Ochako steeled herself, gathering her courage. It was their third date, and she found it better to rip the band-aid off sooner than later. Prior men
got so upset by what she was about to say. She needed to brace herself for Izuku's face twisting in disgust or anger. "My-my best friend and I used to date."

The man across from her at the table blinked before a gentle smile grew, "Iida right?
He's an amazing man. Can I ask why you're not together now?"

Ochako felt relief flood her system, so many men in the past just couldn't get past the fact that she was friends with an ex! "We grew up with each other. We were always together, so in college we got together.
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