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Oct 15th 2020
Today, the 15 October, 31 years ago, one of #the_sons_of_the_soil, #a_Pan_Africanist, a teacher and an anti-apartheid political activist, tata #Jafta_Kgalabi_Masemola was released from jail, after having served over 26 (nearly 27) years in prison for his political convictions.
Tata #Jeff as he was fondly called, was incarcerated on #Robben_Island, where he spent his entire stay there, locked in the #30_single_cell_section (popularly known as B-Section) of the Island prison, a section where most of the prominent political prisoners were kept.
B-section, an isolation section of the Island prison, was where all the #Rivonia_trialists (i.e. Nelson Mandela, Govan Mbeki, Walter Sisulu etc) were kept. #Masemola was in this section with other PAC cadres, like #Mlamli_Makwetu, #Nyathi_Pokela, #Selby_Ngendane, #Kwedi_Mkalipi
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