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Jul 24th 2020
RT @AmirMateen2 So Mr Pirzada you decide whose program got failed because of market situatuation. So how does your magazine gets funded. Who gives ads and why. Have lots of details to share. Pl deny this so I share what’s your reality. Image
RT @AmirMateen2 In an other country somebody like Moeed Pirzada would not have been accepted as a normal citizen. Here we have him as mainstream anchor. This is why we have this anger against parachute anchors who have no credentials. Yet they are shown on tv 24/7
1 - Pakistani TV Anchor Dr Moeed Pirzada talks of Free Media / Free Speech and declare any moving thing a Traitor , watch this video to understand Dr Moeed Pirzada type of 3rd class Journalism in Pakistan

#YellowJournalism #DrMoeedPirzada
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