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Feb 5th 2021
1)THREAD: Here are some quotes and facts I shared during my #citycouncil #educationhearing testimony in favor of a SAFE reopening plan: @Zeke_Cohen @CouncilmanKB @Porter4Bmore @TonyGlover13 @TheRobertStokes @JamesTorrenceJD @CouncilmanETC @docbullock @odetteramos @CCMiddleton6
2)As teachers, we want schools buildings to be fully reopened, but not if we are jeopardizing the lives and economic stability of our kids. To avoid this harm, it is CRUCIAL that @baltcityschools commit to the following basic protections and requests from @BTUBaltimore.
3) DEMAND #1: City Schools staff are fully vaccinated before returning to their facility (both doses and waiting period to reach full efficacy);
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