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Nov 23rd 2022
Maybe fuelled by recent claims that #Neolithic hunters were too "simple" and thus not capable of cultural achievements, there seems to be a misunderstanding about the "#pottery" part in #PrePotteryNeolithic (PPN).

They actually *did* use vessels. Just other vessels.

A short 🧵: Illustration of a Neolithic house with a woman sitting on th
Well known and clearly associated with #PrePotteryNeolithic contexts are e.g. #StoneVessels from different places like #KörtikTepe in Turkey or #JerfElAhmar and #TellAbr in Syria as well as (often fragmented though) many more related sites (including Göbekli Tepe by the way). Photo of two stone vessels, bowl-like with perforations at t
Bringing up the #GöbekliTepe fragments since they illustrate why finding complete vessels is comparably rare: the material was too valuable to not re-use it.

@lauradietrich_, @odietrich_, & myself discussed the "afterlife" of such #StoneVessels here:… Plate with drawings of three stone vessel fragments, apparen
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