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Sep 20th 2020
Times when #Bullywood #feminists were quiet:
1. #DishaSalian death
2. Allegations against #SajidKhan
3. #AnuragKashyap #metoo
4. #VikasBahl accused of sexual assault
5. #AlokNath rape accusation
6. #SalmanKhan assaulted #AishwaryaRai
7. Salman’s casual rape remark before #Sultan
8. Multiple women accused #AnirbanBlah founder of #KWAN which represents #DeepikaPadukone #RanbirKapoor
9. #PoojaMisrra accused #Khan brothers of rape
10. Many women accused #AnuMalik of sexual assault
11. #AahanaKumra exposed #SajidKhan’s comments
12. #SonaMohapatra #KailashKher
13. #KanganaRanaut also exposed #VikasBahl
14. #DiandraSoares spoke up against #SuhelSeth
15. #AdityaPancholi #SurajPancholi stories of abuse
16. #VipulShah #NamasteLondon director sexually harassed #ElnaazNorouzi
17. #PiyushMishra called out by #KetkiJoshi
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