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Feb 1st 2021
#emamiltd #Q3marketupdates #Q3investorpresentations
Concall highlights

Rural demand remained strong, urban showed pickup
Healthcare portfolio showed good response due to covid
Product penetration of 4% for Boroplus,Balms,Kesh king,etc
Double digit vol growth guidance for Q4
Manag confident of new launches Boroplus,Emasol
Honey controversy appears to settle down, mkt changing from seasonal to perennial
Fair & Handsome sales showing uptick post rebranding, relaunch
Sanitiser sales witnessing slowdown
Hair oils seeing demand in domestic & ME mkts
Q3 sales Zandu segment
Honey up 2.5% ,Chyawanprash 24%
International business up 26% yoy led by growth in ME & SAARC ,new launches contributed 4% to sales in Q3 ,creme21 grew 82%
30+ new product launches Fy21
E comm sales up 3.5x in Q3 ,up 210 bps
MT channel growth 51% in Q3
Read 4 tweets

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