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Aug 19th 2020
NEW: The @StateDept's second review of the #GlobalGagRule is finally out. And while it attempts to minimize the harm the policy has caused, it confirms what health orgs & advocates have known for years: #GGR disrupts access to vital family planning & #SRH services.
The #GGR report does little to shed light on the number of organizations harmed by this policy--due to their inability to comply and in turn partner with the US.
Ultimately, shifts in providers leave behind communities already facing the greatest barriers to care, including women & girls left without access to #SRH services.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Moses Mulumba from
@cehurduganda is reminding us that this is about individual women, from his mother who was nurse to the 16 women in Uganda who die every day of preventable maternal health issues. Image
Great closing message: “maternal health should not be a privilege for a few but a right for all.” 💯
@mulumbacehurd is an amazing witness and grounds us in the realities facing providers, patients, and advocates. #endglobalgag
Read 3 tweets

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