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Jul 22nd 2019
#PICInquiry resumes today at 9:30
Dan Matjila will be on the stand for the 3rd week. He was meant testify on #Ayo today. But assistant to Commissioner Gill Marcus is absent & the whole team needs to be present. Matjila will speak on Erin Energy, Daybreak Farm & EchoBank. #eNCA
#PICInquiry PIC got into a number of questionable companies, allegedly not following proper processes. Matjila will answer to these allegations and define his role in the investments. #eNCA
#PICInquiry Matjila starts off by speaking on the #DayBreak Farms deal whether the PIC invested into the company that was basically insolvent. Matjila says Roy Rajdhar explained in detail about the investment & it was made to drive transformation in agriculture sector. #eNCA
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