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May 24th 2022
War of words broke out between the Centre and States regarding the #exciseduty cut on #petrol & #diesel
@nsitharaman said the cuts were made in cess not shared by States so loss borne by Centre
@ptrmadurai said whichever component you cut from, the State will lose some money
@nsitharaman is right in saying the cut came from cess which is not sharable with States
> Non-sharable parts (last three rows) is increasing
> Sharable part (first row) is decreasing and is just Rs 1.4/ltr. So a reduction of Rs 8 not possible from just sharable part Image
>So, by increasing the non-sharable components of excise duties, States were already losing out
>The other issue is, if an amount is collected as a cess, it should be used for the ear-marked purposes, which the CAG found in 2020 that the Centre was not doing. Image
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