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Apr 2nd 2021
1/ Last week I put a thread out about the performance of the Top 1,500 #restaurant chains. Today, our @Technomic much-anticipated top 500 chain report was issued, & it's worth digging a bit into the biggest of the chain market. The details are here:…
2/ Several years ago, it was a big deal when none of the top 10 #restaurant chains in the US were full-service. This reflected the ongoing strength of #fastfood and #fastcasual.

With 2020's results, none of the top 20 restaurant chains are full service.
3/ Overall, the top 500 chain #restaurant sales decreased 8.2% in 2020 - not bad during a pandemic. Importantly, those limited service chains in the top 500 only decreaed 1.9% - a pretty good performance during a #pandemic.
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