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Jul 28th 2020
You are at a higher risk of getting hepatitis if you:

- Share needles
- Have unprotected sex or multiple partners
- Abuse alcohol
- Have poor personal/environmental hygiene
- Come in contact with bodily fluids - blood, faeces, etc.
#FindTheMissingMillions #WorldHepatitisDay2020 Image
How to reduce your chances of getting #hepatitis:

- Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B.
- Use a condom during sex.
- Don't share needles to take drugs.
- Practice good personal hygiene: hand-washing with soap and water.
#FindTheMissingMillions #WorldHepatitisDay2020 Image
To reduce your risk of #Hepatitis:

- Don't use people's personal items.
- Take precautions when getting tattoos or piercings.
- Drink bottled water when travelling.
#FindTheMissingMillions #WorldHepatitisDay2020 Image
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