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May 14th 2023
๐Ÿงต The republicans agree to raise the debt ceiling by 19$ trillion, from 31$ trillion, to be 50$ trillion, over the next 10 years.
In exchange for a budget cuts proposal, which is about cutting EVERYTHING, EXCEPT the defense budget! Actually, they want to raise that while; Image
โ€” Claw Back Unspent Covid-19 Funds.
โ€” Cancel Student Debt Relief.
โ€” Cancel Biden's plan to raise the taxes on the billionaires.
โ€” Cut Green Tax Incentives for renewable Energy, which will cripple US competitiveness in EV & battery Techs compared to China.โ€ฆ
โ€” Cut Medicaid.
โ€” Cut Medicare.
โ€” Cut Social Security.
โ€” Increase Incentives to Oil & Gas Companies.
โ€” Increase defense budget by 3% to 5% annually. That's something both parties agreed upon #bipartisanship.
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