Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #flipaTory

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Interested in the fuss about #FarageOnLBC, #TrumpOnLBC and #borisdeal?

I need to thank Trump. A sentence I didn't think I'd ever write.

#borisdeal is being sold as a great deal.
It's horribly flawed. #corruptTory
Thanks to Trump you want to know why -#flipaTory story again.
Explaining dense legal document - Twitter nightmare, so a map⏬

LHS - Need that for a US FTA
RHS - Need that for an EU FTA
Will show you just the clauses that are fundamentally incompatible

What about clauses that try to do both in the same clause?

Drowning in the Atlantic...
So I thought I'd do something like this - show you each clause, where it was, why it was there, and how it creates problems Trump might know about.

Something like this.

Make sense?
Read 6 tweets

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