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Thank you for your response. As you can see, it's spread out almost equally.

Heart-lung interaction is critically important to understand;

The heart & lungs occupying the thoracic cavity, therefore, Pr changes inside the thoracic cavity can affect the venous return (Vr)
Transmular pressure is the pressure difference between the inside & the outside of the cavity i.e the RA transmural pressure = RA-Ppl(We are assuming the pericardium is normal)

Then venous return depends on volume, pleural pr (Ppl), RA pr, transmural pr, elasticity & compliance Image
During spontaneous breathing 😮‍💨 Ppl always negative, but during inspiration it is more negative than expiration. Due to the increase in the thoracic cavity size

The Pr changes can affect the Vr and the effect will be more pronounced if the Pt is dry & fluid responsiveness Image
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