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Nov 20th 2022
@BBCFarmingToday purported cover all things trees last week. Having listened to the whole weeks programming I can only say that the coverage was wholly incomplete and an exercise banality fit for @BBCCountryfile and not a serious programme on farming and land-use. #RantAlert /1 sash and case window made from UK grown Douglas fir
Over the 5 mornings of @BBCFarmingToday 'tree talk' the keyword count was thus:
Trees=25, Hedgerows=7, Tree Planting Targets=6, @woodlandtrust =4, Foresters=3, Food security=3, Ancient Trees=2, Commercial Agri crops =2, Carbon=1, Nuts=1, Fruit=1, Timber=1 ... /2 This is an ancient oak within a Scottish Estate that is has
Coverage began on Monday with observations by @ThomasRMurphy88as to what the tree planting targets r (a relatively modest 5% change in land use) and the dismal failure of Eng & Wales to achieve them. Unfortunately there so no analysis as to why Scotland had faired much better /3 This in woodland creation in Scotland, 100ha of planting on
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