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Feb 8th 2022
#AGT talent #GONZO believes Asian #comfortwomen who were subject to #sexualenslavement during WWI were NOT #forcefullyrecruited by the #JapaneseImperialArmy (even with local help) and expresses support to the #revisionists who are pressuring an established encyclopedia publisher.
#GONZO appears to base his assertion on dozen of newspaper articles that #Asahi retracted in 2014 about false testimonies of a novelist who claimed to have participated in raids that #forcefullyrecruited Korean women, which was considered only one of many sources by historians.
As indicated in #Asahi’s independent committee report & other media reports, Asahi only retracted the articles that pertain to these false testimonies and did not retract their conviction that #comfortwomen were #forcefullyrecruited one way or the other.…
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