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Mar 27th 2023

Here is one of many historic objects held in the collections of the Harbor Defense Museum, Fort Hamilton, NY and highlights women in the Army.

#Armyhistory @USArmy #MilitaryHistory #WomensHistoryMonth Image
This is a necklace of twenty-eight (28) foreign coins joined together with wire through holes drilled in the coins. The donor, Technician Fourth Grade (T/4) Ruth Tenzer (bassoonist) was a member of the 401st Women’s Army Corp (WAC) Band stationed at USAG Fort Hamilton. @TRADOC Image
During WWII each branch of the military had all-female bands, performing with morale boosting music. The U.S. Army fielded five such bands: the 400th, 401st, 402nd, 403rd, and the 404th WAC Bands. The 404th being the only all-female, African American band in military history. Image
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