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Feb 20th 2019
So we have constantly seen various hashtags flying in constant sequence, since the Buhari admin came to power, asking him and his lieutenants to FREE this person or that activist. Nigerians that were doing there jobs. But #TyrantBuhari didn't share their ideologies

Mariam @Ice131Queen.
An advocate of victims of sexual violence with #ArewaMeeToo

“While arresting Maryam, d police attempted to gain access to her laptop and mobile phone by force;
Arrested on February 19 by SARS operatives" #FreeMaryamAwaisu
Surfaced on our TLs. Now Released
The ever vocal @adeyanjudeji. He was locked up FOR NO REASON. They came up with an unbelievable case of 10years ago, where Deji was discharged & acquitted. He was locked up for over 62days just for speaking loudly about the missing NEMA funds. #FreeDejiAdeyanju now Released
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