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Jan 22nd 2021
1] Letter by @JobSikhala1 from prison:

"No matter the adversities, the liberation of our people from oppression and persecution can not be postponed any further. My persecution is a reflection of the suffering our people have been going through one generation after the other"
2] @JobSikhala1:

"In this instance, I am in complete shock of the reasons for my persecutions. there is no crime i committed. The plot and the plan of the dictatorship is to break me down. i will never be broken down because the demand for a free and just society is a calling.."
3] @JobSikhala1:

"Even if I die in the concentration camp called Chikurubi Maximum Prison, dear Zimbabweans remember me. Remember that it is because of our freedom, happiness and liberty that has been robbed from one generation to another, that I met my fate.."
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