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Feb 26th 2023
🧵 On December 19, 2017 the NIH lifted the funding pause on Gain of Function research. Here is Dr. Anthony Fauci in January, 2018 discussing why he thinks this is a good thing.

He has since denied funding Gain of Function in Wuhan, which has proven to be a lie.

3) The Faucian Slip:

"We had a collaboration with some Chinese Comm... uh, Chinese uh... scientists"

Read 8 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
35. Mainstream media and Dr Gounder highlighting a sharp rise in ❤️ attacks among young adults in the post-Covid era and then suggesting that not wearing masks in this age group could have been a contributing factor...

Really? Because “science”?


36. Here is Dr Gounder’s own tweet with her suggestion of higher ❤️ attacks in young adults because “younger people were less likely to wear a mask”...

Whatever you do, Doc, do not look at VAERS data or read @P_McCulloughMD @DrAseemMalhotra @DocAhmadMalik et al

😷🤯😷🤯😷 ImageImage
37. Mask wearing and links to cancer

...why did medical, scientific and political authorities - going against all existing data & evidence accumulated over decades - ever think that masks were a good idea 🤯🤯🤯

@VigilantFox @drCParks1 @no_masks_at_all @DrNoMask
Read 11 tweets

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