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Feb 12th 2022
Today, February 12, all Gazers with the "First Stolen Paintings" origin moon trait celebrate 20 years and 246 New Moons passing since the moon under which I had 3 paintings stolen from my studio shortly before what was to be my first solo show. #cryptoart 🧵...
It was a most sickening, heart sinking feeling to step into the studio & discover these centerpiece works to my show, each 36" x 48", were missing. I made a police report and hung up fliers but the paintings would remain stolen. Check out my DANK poster and $100 reward! I was 21.
I only had a short time before my one person show was to happen. Without these works, I couldn't proceed. I put on my curator's hat and changed my solo show into a group show, inviting 12 other student artists to show a work. I learned how much joy that elevating others could be.
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