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Feb 7th 2020
@WhoWouldWin13 Fin Fang Foom is a 32 feet high, 20-ton force of nature to be reckoned with, a being with super strength who can read minds, expel acid mist from his mouth, grow in size and strength and heal fast. Though he is known to be able to lift over 100 tons, the limit of his
@WhoWouldWin13 strength are unkown. I suspect that he's much stronger than Hulk (in a calm state), Thor or Hercules (the latter two can lift at least 1,000,000 tons!!!!). When Fin Fang Foom is at his largest, he towers over skyscrapers, and can take down flying Shield ships. At his largest, he
@WhoWouldWin13 would tower over Giganta.

However, Giganta fights with Wonder Woman, who is strong enough to move a planet a third the size's of earth. Although Giganta can get stunned by a punch from the much smaller WW, she nevertheless has the strength to hold her, as well as other similarly
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