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May 10th 2022
@AShane303 @Eric_Schmitt @LucasKunceMO @EricGreitens @wiczipedia @mobarnews @ABAesq @MOMedicalAssn @TheJusticeDept The #wordsalad Eric is dressing
continues to produce distressing
and nonsensical claims.
Though Schmitt the system games,
negligence he should be confessing.
Upon reading his #gobbledygook,
people clearly see that he’s a kook.

@dhellingkc 🙏🏼 @DanMargolies
@AShane303 @Eric_Schmitt @LucasKunceMO @EricGreitens @wiczipedia @mobarnews @ABAesq @MOMedicalAssn @TheJusticeDept @dhellingkc @DanMargolies Diese gut dressierte Papagei kreischt auswendig seine Litanei aber redet nur Müll. Ein sinnloses Gebrüll übt der Anwalt in seiner Kanzlei, das es wiederzuverwerten gilt: zuzuhören ist keiner gewillt.
😴👀♻️ #mosen 👋🏼 @BigElad @MarkPedroli @chuckhatfield ⚖️
Read 7 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
"If we are able to study subjectivity and identity as media and outcome of these forces, we might, however, better trace the lines of constitutive instability that shadow and subtend the reduction and abstraction of social relations into the economics of wage-effort bargaining."
If your reaction to the above is "wha?", you're not alone, and it's "not you". Gobbledygook of the highest order, right there!
"When the ownership of ideas, knowledge and image rights cannot be unambiguously claimed there is not only an incentive to establish and assert identity,
but also a constitutive impossibility or existential indeterminacy that usurps this desire." #gobbledygook
Read 5 tweets

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