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Mar 22nd 2023
Full disclosure. I am a somewhat lazy #GuildWars2 player, in that I will usually skip open-world or story content unless I have a compelling reason to do so. I usually watch a streamer play that kind of content, because I'm a firm believer in OBEs. 1/x
So even though I welcome the return, last year, of a version of Living World Season One to the game (which was essential, IMHO, prior to the Steam release) personally I was content to llet @WoodenPotatoes and @PreachGaming play the actual content. Until I had a reason. 2/x
@WoodenPotatoes @PreachGaming I now HAVE a reason. I'm completing the Coalescence II collection, in order to unlock the Coalescence III collection, prior to clearing raid Wing 7 and getting the precusor to the Legendary ring, Coalescence. Which I won't be crafting for a while, but I like to make progress. 3/x
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