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Oct 8th 2022
#XiCheng #ChengXi #HappybirthdayLanXichen 🥞

"My love, wake up," JC softly said as he tapped on LXC's shoulder.

It was one of those rare occasions that JC woke up earlier than him, and for a good reason.

As LXC slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of JC and LJY
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABA!" LJY said with a big grin on his face.

LXC let out a laugh as he slowly sat up on their bed.

"Thank you little one," he said as he opened his arms and LJY jumped into them.

They both laughed and LXC turned his head to his husband.

"I didn't have enough
time to bake a cake, but I did make you a stack of blueberry pancakes," JC said as he showed LXC the plate.

"You didn't have to my heart," LXC said as he leaned towards JC to kiss him.

"Ewww," LJY said as he saw them kiss.

JC and LXC both laughed at that.
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