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Oct 15th 2021
Q. Who is at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes mellitus?

Those having any one or more of the following:
1. Those having prior reports of having pre-diabetes
2. Those with first degree family members with T2DM

3. Those with Triglyceride value more than 250 mg/dl and/or HDL less than 35 mg/dl
4. Those with previous reports suggestive of fatty liver
5. Women with a history of PCOS and/or history of gestational diabetes
6. Those with prior history of cardiovascular disease

If you have any of these, screen yourself for type 2 diabetes.

Let the good of euglycemia (normal sugars) win against the evils of hyperglycemia (high sugars)

#HappyVijayadashami #HappyDassehra
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