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Aug 3rd 2018
Happy #InternationalBeerDay! Here's a quick thread on notable beers in animation! Here's Misato downing a Yebisu in Evangelion! This shot really conveys the joy of downing a cold one and the end of a long day!
Yebisu (#ヱビス) is a real beer and actually one of the oldest brands in Japan. In fact it's so old that the first letter in it's name (ヱ) is no longer in use in modern written Japanese!
When Evangelion first aired the TV network did not want to give free endorsement to Yebisu, so the brand was actually changed to "Yebichu" as a reference to Oruchuban Ebichu, a hilarious adult oriented comic about a hamster which Gainax would adapt into a TV show years later!
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