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Sep 6th 2020
for that first iteration of the code, simple don't mean shortcut:

simple != easy
simple != hacky
simple != rushed
simple != poorly written

even the first cut, MVP, needs to be changeable, testable, clear, expressive, etc

#TDD #technicalDebt #refactoring
the "make it work" part (K.Beck) always gets mistaken to mean, hack at the code, squeeze, force-fit, finagle, the easiest and quickest thing that'll get the managers, customers, users off our back.

but we just end up on the wrong side of karma

it just adds high interest technical debt, and need to refactor out:

- initial understanding, with deeper insight into the feature
- tightly coupled, low cohesion, incoherent, viscous, rigid, fragile, immobile code


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