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Aug 10th 2020
Today is the 75th anniversary of the #Nagasaki75 atomic blast. It was the second of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan which would end WWII.

The first was dropped on Hiroshima 3 days prior. @abc7davidono beautifully tells one survivor’s story. @ABC7…
On a personal note, I had the chance to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum a few years ago.

My Japanese grandmother was living in Osaka at the time so she was physically OK. But she still couldn’t go inside the museum. 75 years later it’s still too painful. #広島 Image
I took some photos of some of the striking and devastating artifacts inside the museum. Like this wall. It’s shows the “black rain” that rained all over the city shortly after the bombing. It’s believed the rain was full of radioactive materials. #HiroshimaNagasaki75 #広島 Image
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