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#GuerreEnUkraine D+452 (21/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, Hyp. Z, çà flingue
2/Dniepr, rive gauche & #Crimee, çà cause
3/Arrière-scène, #Hiroshima

Bientôt au-dessus du Dniepr

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDLI-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/Front X, Hyp. Z,

🟢Test de "no-fly-zone", succès
🟠Test & modelage de la ligne de front, généralisé
🟠Préparation dans la profondeur, débuté
•détruire PC, EW, DM, logistique
•effondrer la chaîne du carburant
🟠Opé. déception, débuté
🔴Offensive, Front X
Read 17 tweets
Good evening/morning - it's Day 451 of #Russia's illegal and inhumane war.

#Ukraine is under attack again tonight with attack drones currently threatening large parts of the country.

All the details, throughout the day (and night) each and every day, in one handy thread.
If you missed yesterday's news, including F-16s for #Ukraine, plenty of sabotage attacks in #Russia, plus related news from #Cyprus #Georgia and #SouthAfrica... then catch up here with a click and a scroll:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine
A reminder multiple drones threaten #Kyiv tonight

Regional Gov Serhii Popko says fire atop a multi-storey building, caused by debris from a falling UAV, is around 80 sq m.
There may be victims

Bits of drones have fallen on several streets in Darnytskyi & Solomyanskyi districts
Read 38 tweets
🇯🇵 By mid-May 1945 it was clear to all who wished to see: Japan was on the brink of surrendering. The real purpose of the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japanese cities was not to win the war, but rather to shape the contours of the post-war world. #G7Summit #Hiroshima
In his 1928 opus “The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution” H.G. Wells, the Fabian Society leader, called for the establishment of a “world government” which would supersede the nation-state as the primary form of human social and political existence. Image
This “Utopian” scheme, as Wells himself dubbed it, probably had little hope of success, except under conditions of raw terror, where a frightened population might come to feel that only in the womb of such a “world government” would there be any security.
Read 60 tweets
...primo tentativo SOW Image
...secondo tentativo SOW Image
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My latest from #G7Summit: As G7 leaders arrive in #Hiroshima to try to form a unity against #China, experts say
they are skeptical about the group's ability to come up with a coordinated response to China's expanding economic power and military might.…
The West's relationship with China amid Beijing's expanding economic and political clout, Russia's war in Ukraine, and the troubled state of the global economy are set to top the agenda of their discussions.
The G7 — which includes the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Canada — has been grappling with the question of how to deal with China amid Beijing's growing global economic influence and military might in recent years.
Read 26 tweets

#UN in Deep Crisis - Russian FM Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov opened his speech as chair of the #UNSC by declaring that the rules-based order... actually has... NO rules

Instead, unilateral sanctions have paralysed supply chains and seen international laws manipulated Image
🇷🇺's top diplomat went on to say the West has instead self-proclaimed dominance across the globe.

Here are some key points:

🔸 #AUKUS deal an extension of #NATO into Asian Pacific

🔸 #Washington embraced destroying current architecture of intl relations
🔸 🇺🇸 intervention in Indo-Pacific is to deter 🇨🇳 & isolate 🇷🇺

🔸 Complex of superiority dominant in minds of EU officials

🔸 🇺🇸 and 🇯🇵 remain silent on who bombed #Hiroshima and #Nagasaki, and the use of depleted #Uranium in #Yugoslavia
Read 4 tweets
'#NATO'n-salakähmä #Maanpetos-#Metro-tunneliverkosto-#Mänttä.'
"Julkaistu 18.5.2021, Mikkoskopia Tekasin Mäntän tunnelikartan. Selostus löytyy lisätietoja painikkeesta."… Image
#Vapaamuurarit rakastavat kaivaa tunneleita.
- Siksi vähäväkisessä Suomessakin on ns. #Metro, maailman kalleimmat kilometrit, vaikka sitä ei olisi edes tarvittu.
Tarkista kotiseutusi #tunneli-sisäänkäynnit ja raportoi havainnot Mikolle (… Image
#Ulkoministeriö'kin Oyj: ksi äkki poja.
#Korruptio-#Metro on kuin #viina, vaikeinta on ensimmäisen pullollisen nauttiminen!
- Helsingin #metro'n tapahtumista alusta alkaen ja lisämausteena on pieniä episodeja #Länsimetro'n.. vahvasti muhivasta tarinasta.
Read 14 tweets
more on the subject of #fear and how American right-wing politicians and pundits have exploited it. let's start with Mr. @dick_nixon and his aggressive foreign policy, which was contingent upon a lot of trite and racist ideas about how foreigners only respond to force.

"the Communists / the Vietnamese / the Cubans only respect strength," goes the general notion—along with the assertion that any backtracking or correction of mistakes will show "weakness" in the eyes of Johnny Foreigner, as if you were betraying fear to a wild animal.

incidentally, there's a very strong tendency in racist Western discourse (especially on the right) to refer to nations in terms of stereotypes about their peoples, and it's betrayed in language like "the Chinese" or "the Vietnamese" used instead of "China" or "Vietnam".

Read 15 tweets
#BREAKING | #Russian Defense Ministry: #US used 300 tonnes of depleted uranium during the invasion of #Iraq.

Russian Defense Ministry: In 2003-2004, the United States widely used such ammunition in attacks on the targets of Iraqi cities: Amarah, #Baghdad, Basra, Karbala, and #Fallujah.
Russian Defense Ministry: The radiation due to depleted uranium in Fallujah was much worse than it was in the cities of #Hiroshima and #Nagasaki.
Read 3 tweets
1/7 El próximo día 23 de marzo se celebra el #DiaMeteorologicoMundial
Estaremos con @AEMET_Esp @AEMET_PaisVasco
hablando de #Meteorología y #Geología, la estrecha simbiosis que nos impulsó a evolucionar.
Será en el Real Club Náutico de #Donostia #SanSebastián a las 19h. Image
2/7 Solemos escuchar que hay importantes relaciones entre volcanes y clima. Acontecimientos importantes de la historia humana tuvieron un origen volcánico, es el caso de la #RevoluciónFrancesa y la erupción del #Laki en Islandia o el año sin verano de 1815…
3/7 Lo provocó el volcán #Tambora y supuso un impulso imprevisto en la cultura y literatura europeas.

También hemos oído hablar de fenómenos como #ClimateQuakes #Hidrosismicidad #Terremoto's inducidos por cambio tensional más o menos rápido inducido por embalses como #itoiz...
Read 7 tweets
#NATO allies pledge add'l support for #Ukraine, per NATO stmt.

The add'l support incl. heavy weapons and military training.

#Russia ImageImage
WH Press Sec Karine #JeanPierre presser: (Nat'l Security Council Coord for Strategic Comm Admiral #JohnKirby) Says re: whether or not #Biden will meet w/ #Ukraine's pres. during trip: "There is no meeting w/ Pres. #Zelensky scheduled for the trip right now."

WH Press Sec Karine #JeanPierre presser: (Nat'l Security Council Coord for Strategic Comm Admiral #JohnKirby) Says US has not and will not tell other countries if they can give #Ukraine fighter aircraft: (See screenshot because I ran out of character count.)

#Russia Image
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Focus on the #Japanese Realism Diplomacy for a new Era. We need some inspiration in #EU since Putin is striking strategic relationship with #China, #SouthAfrica & #Brazil. No time to waste on Franco-Italian tensions triggered by a diplomatic dinner. #Hiroshima #Thread Image
#Chinese FM Wang Yi will visit #Russia as part of a diplomatic tour in Europe. His 9-day trip will also include stops in #France, #Italy, #Hungary and #Germany, where he will speak at the #Munich Security Conference. #CNN 1/1
#EU ambassadors were briefed in small groups over the weekend by Ursula von der Leyen’s chief of staff Björn Seibert about the plans for the 10th sanctions package against #Russia. #Politico 1/2
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1."I giudici sapevano che sarebbe stato quanto mai confortante poter credere che #Eichman era un mostro. Ma il guaio del caso Eichman era che di uomini come lui ce n'erano tanti e che questi tanti non erano né perversi né sadici, bensì erano e sono tuttora terribilmente normali>
2. Questa normalità è più spaventosa di tutte le atrocità messe insieme, perché implica che questo nuovo tipo di #criminale commette i suoi crimini in circostanze che quasi gli impatiscono di accorgersi o di sentire che agisce male".
[#HannahArendt, #Labanalitàdelmale] >
La banalità del male quando si mette a tacere la #coscienza, si tratti di organizzare i trasporti per i #lagernazisti o gettare le #bombeatomiche su #Hiroshima e #Nagasaki o obbedire agli ordini di #guerra.
Meglio non dimenticarlo nel #Giornodellamemoria né in tutti gli altri
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I would hazard to guess that if there's *one thing* that's most characteristic of the modern-day #STEM Lord mindset, it isn't racism (although folks like @ID_AA_Carmack and @RokoMijic give one pause) or even a love of #computers.

it's probably a fondness for *explosions*.

I think that's bad. and I *like* explosions.

I've spent time—like lots of nerds—looking for videos of large explosions. and we're knowledgeable of chemistry, in the Pnictogen Wing, so we know a bit about chemical explosives. "high energy compounds", to use a euphemism.

there's some beauties out there. I know of the existence of the most astonishing chemical rarities—molecules that inspire equal awe and terror.

you wonder how something like (N₅⁺)P(N₃)₆⁻ can possibly hold together. that's "pentazenium hexaäzidophosphate".

Read 21 tweets
🧨¿Qué es la Filosofía? ¿La ciencia no piensa? ¿Qué es Preguntar?

📚 El libro de #JoséPabloFeinmann nos explica está pregunta aparentemente inocente y afirma que la filosofía cuando se pregunta a sí misma por su condición, esa pregunta siempre es filosófica. (1/7)⤵️ Image
(2/7) Además, las ciencias no se preguntan por sí mismas qué es la física, qué es la química, etc.
Cuando se pregunta qué es la anatomía, qué es la genética, qué es el átomo, no se hace una pregunta científica, se está haciendo una pregunta filosófica. ¡El saber de los saberes⤵️ Image
(3/7) Y, en efecto, la #Filosofía se plantea como saber que totaliza todos los saberes. Por ejemplo, cuando los #Científicos, a los que curiosamente se suele llamar #Sabios: #Oppenheimer, #Einstein, #Heisenberg, ven el estallido de las bombas en #Hiroshima y #Nagasaki, dicen: ⤵️ Image
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1. A proposito di #destra e #sinistra, in questi giorni concitati per le #alleanzeelettorali, tragici per le #guerre e le crescenti tensioni internazionali, che cadono tra l'anniversario di #Hiroshima e di #Nagasaki, è opportuno rifocalizzare l'avvertimento di #CarloCassola:
2."Chi non capisce che il #disarmo è il terreno dello scontro decisivo tra #progresso e #reazione, tra #civiltà e #barbarie, è di #destra anche se si proclama di #sinistra. In altre parole, o la sinistra vincerà la battaglia della #pace o non avrà un'occasione di farsi valere >
3. perché il mondo salterà in aria".

Qualcuno doveva pur ricordarlo
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Am 6. August 1945 um 8 Uhr 15 wurde die Atombombe #LittleBoy in 580m Höhe über #Hiroshima vom B29-Flugzeug #EnolaGay abgeworfen. Die Explosionskraft der Atombombe entsprach 12,5 Kilotonnen TNT.
In einem Umkreis von 0,5 Km um den #GroundZero waren 90 Prozent der Menschen sofort tot. Die Temperatur am Hypozentrum betrug für etwa eine Sekunde ca. 3000 - 4000 Grad Celsius. An dieser Stelle verdampfte alles. #Hiroshima
2/5 Atompilz über Hiroshima. Foto: US Army / gemeinfrei
Menschen, die sich im Explosionszentrum aufhielten, verbrannten vollständig und hinterließen in einigen Fällen ihre Schatten an stehen gebliebenen Hauswänden, die sie für einen Moment von der Hitzestrahlung abgeschirmt hatten. #Hiroshima
3/5 Schatte eines Mannes auf der Steintreppe einer Bank. Bild: F
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This is the start of the daily thread documenting #Russia's war of choice on #Ukraine.

It's Day 164 if you're counting (me too!)
All the news in one place, check back throughout the day.

DMs open for tips, all appreciated, as are any coffees donated (see my profile)😉
We ended yesterday wondering if the Dar'ivky Bridge just outside occupied #Kherson had been hit.

No update on that yet, but #Ukraine has claimed hits on 6 ammo dumps, numerous weapons and command posts in #Chornobaivka #Oleshki #Beryslav #Bruskinskyi and Kherson city itself.
#Ukraine is already hitting #Russia's stores again this morning.

This video from occupied #Makiivka (RU #Makeevka) - a lot of explosions followed the first strike, so looks likely to be an another ammunition dump.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
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The New York City Emergency Management Department has posted a public service announcement advising residents what they should do in the event of a #NuclearAttack 1/
Incredibly, the video begins: "So there's been a nuclear attack. Don't ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit." Then comes the advice: 1) Get inside; 2) Stay inside, stay away from windows, and shower if exposed to radioactive fallout; 3) Stay tuned. 2/
Just think how many lives might have been saved if the people of #Hiroshima and #Nagasaki had taken these steps! What the fantasists who created the video fail to mention is that a hydrogen bomb strike would reduce most of New York City to flaming rubble within seconds. 3/
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Nella caccia ai #pacifisti scatenata sui tanti #giornali, trasformati in fogli di #propaganda interventista, non viene risparmiato neanche #AldoCapitini, tirato tra chi vuole arruorarlo tra i sostenitori della via armata alla #pace e quelli che lo tacciano di #antiamericanismo
Due suggerimenti: primo leggete gli scritti del fondatore del @movnonviolento; secondo mettetevi d'accordo. Per cominciare, una proposta di letttura: "La #nonviolenza è strettamente congiunta col punto a cui è giunta la #guerra, con la sua attrezzatura tecnica e le #arminucleari
L’esasperazione della ferocia e della vastità distruttiva della #guerra, specialmente dopo #Hiroshima, ha posto il problema di arrivare a un altro modo di condurre le lotte e la stessa #difesa. Come ci si difende da missili che in pochi minuti distruggono città industrie, civili?
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Uno de los prodigios del otoño chino es ver la caída de las hojas del #Ginkgo más antiguo del mundo. Tiene 1.400 años y está en un templo budista cerca de #Xian. Estos árboles, considerados "fósiles vivientes", fueron una de las primeras plantas que aparecieron sobre la Tierra. ImageImageImageImage
Aquí el poema de #Goethe sobre las hojas del #Ginkgo que algunos han recordado. Muchas en #China no tienen esa forma doble que maravilló al alemán pero sí una fascinante proporción áurea, como estas encontradas hoy entre la nieve de Pekín. ImageImage
El #Ginkgo es un árbol mítico, un superviviente colosal que guarda la memoria del planeta. El fósil más antiguo de una de sus hojas data de hace 270 millones de años.

En #China también está el más alto del mundo, este de la provincia suroccidental de #Guizhou, de 30 metros. ImageImage
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🚨The exciting part of the year for Japanese politics is rapidly approaching: with the race for the leadership of the LDP upon us, the general election for the Lower House is getting closer and closer.📆

Reports say that it could take place by Mid-October! Thus, this project:➕ Image
I would like to make a rundown on the 289 Single-Member Districts that compose part of the Lower House of the Japanese Diet.

Let's see the conditions of each district, the candidates & how the Japanese media & history see the race. Join me and follow along! In for a long ride🎢
Yes. I'm THAT crazy. LOL

All in with the 289 districts. Let's do it for fun and in order to learn more (myself included) about JP politics.

Please don't hesitate to add info, point out mistakes or anything you want! #JapanPolitics
Read 109 tweets
From 1983-2019 #MSM regularly referred to Oct 1983 US Marine barracks explosion in Beirut as "the largest NON-NUCLEAR explosion ever." A year ago MSM & so-called "alternative media" #SCAM hijacked that phrase for the Aug 2020 Beirut blast. But #WTF does it mean?
1/ ImageImage
A year ago so-called “fact checkers” WITHIN HOURS had definitively concluded the Aug 2020 Beirut blast was NOT nuclear rather caused by 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate. #MSM outlets promptly proclaimed “one of the largest NON-NUCLEAR blasts in history"
2/… ImageImage
After being repeated ad nauseam over the past year, on the one-year anniversary yesterday practically every #MSM & #SCAM outlet treated the idea that the Aug 2020 Beirut blast was "one of the largest NON-NUCLEAR blasts in history" as a TRUISM, albeit one that NEEDED repeating
3/ ImageImageImageImage
Read 86 tweets

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