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1/ After many questions, it’s time to clear the air on HOCl foggers, used in many dentist’s offices. @jljcolorado, @chemdelphine and I thought we’d go thru its chemistry. Bottom line from 3 Chem Profs: Use ventilation and filters to clean the air, skip the chemistry!
2/ HOCl is an oxidant that’s effective at killing pathogens, likely by denaturing proteins or damaging cell walls, bc it reacts w/ C=C bonds in many biomolecules. But HOCl can also react with YOUR biomolecules (lung, skin), material surfaces, and the molecules that make up air.
3/ HOCl is good for disinfecting surfaces and drinking water, but fogging rooms that people may re-enter after a short wait raises big chemical exposure questions. Our stomach copes with chemicals different from our lungs! “The dose makes the poison,” but so can the route!
Read 34 tweets
#AAAR19 talk by Sumit S @CUEngineering from @marinavance research group talking on @IndoorChem #HomeChem. Black/brown carbon aerosol much higher for breakfast compared to making stir fry or chili.
@CUEngineering @marinavance @IndoorChem #AAAR19 almost 60% of the brown carbon aerosol indoors was from the cooking, the rest actually from outdoors, since the penetration factor for outdoor brown carbon indoors was 0.7.
@CUEngineering @marinavance @IndoorChem #AAAR I am sure you are wondering what they cooked for breakfast? an English version of tomato, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee.
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