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Mar 10th 2023

This is the cement that "Built America".

But How?

When 'America' didn't even INVENT [read: rediscover] Natural Cement until most of these #Tartarian buildings were made?

Lets start with some chronology in, so-called-'Rome'
#Pliska with #RomanCement, 700 years AFTER Rome 'fell' and "officially" had already "Lost" the technology.

But here we are with #Pliska, and the #Ologies have no excuse how this is possible, this was built 700 years after 'Rome Fell', 'in the style of Rome' but NOT by Romans, built by Bulgarians, they say.

But that is impossible, they didn't HAVE the #RomanCement recipe.

The truth is, it is an Original Roman Structure, prescribed TO the Bulgarians 700 years later to enforce the fake Timeline [read: the added 1000 years]

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There is an endless list of buildings built before they had the #NaturalCement to do it👇

Read 38 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
You can ONLY learn from #HIStory if it is included IN the history books.

If the #Parasites and #Usurpers erased the complete #Tartarian empire from the 'record books'..

..would you know?👇 Image
@catwalkersky Seems they were created for this purpose [read: #Oddfellows in every town ect)
Read 11 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
Worlds largest:
~Railway transfer station
~Ferris wheel (2500 people cap)
~water fountain
~stadiums (350k people)
~glass structures (before barrel glass production)
Worlds highest buildings

ad Infinium
..all for the worlds fairs, with #horseandbuggy peopleâ„¢

uh uhh

99% of these buildings have NO construction photo's.

Most are DEconstruction photos are usually after earth-quakes or fires

Or photo's that SAY they are 'building photo's' but are obviously photo's of domes being taken down, gargoyles taken down, or energy tech removed

IYKYK ImageImage
Read 7 tweets

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