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Mar 24th 2021
First posted ©2019

"How far can you go?" my latest work which is in progress got me researching about people who have gone far to defend the spread of the Gospel. This morning while reading, a voice in the spirit said something "
why all this stress?, when you have a living example to write about" and I asked "who?" The name of LEAH SHARIBU came out loud.

I did not know anything about Leah Sharibu until that faithful day; Nigerians woke up to the news of the released kidnapped schoolgirls in Dapchi Yobe

She saw her mates getting ready to go home, and the only way she was to be part of the homecoming party was to deny Jesus simple, people deny Jesus every day and they just go and ask God for mercy and life continues, but not Leah. I saw her mates give her reasons to
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