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New route numbering with #BusConnects will replace a system of bus numbering which dates back to the original #Dublin #tramways (NLI image from 1947:…) but /1
Route numbers were only introduced in 1918. In the horse tram era, each route had different colour cars and the destination painted on its sides, like this #Rathmines tram on #Westmoreland Street in 1892 (…) /2
Apparently interchangeable destination boards were introduced in c. 1897, then in 1903 roller blind destination scrolls came into use (corner of Grafton/Nassau St,…) /3
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#howth words fail me.
What I see are young women using their instincts to avoid feral men. The young women use every instinct to avoid any contact with these (men). Hitting the door button running past them. It’s just not good enough. These thugs have mothers sisters grandmothers.
Where are the positive women and men in their lives to teach them this is not normal behaviour. These young women are instinctive in their actions. They knew to run to avoid to be kicked but not confront these degenerates. It is not good enough
Read 3 tweets

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