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Mar 24th 2022
People of #Mariupole are held hostage to #PutinsWar, are executed in thousands every day!

Now, can someone explain to me - where are all those celebrities, royals, religious clergy: Pope, Imam, Rabbi, ..?

Isn't it their job to be #humanitarians? to be there now? to shield? 1/8
I remember the horrors of NordOst siege in Moscow in 2002 - people held hostage in the theatre for days. Putin as always did not care.

Meanwhile, amazing humans - celebrities, MPs, journalists all went there, offering themselves in exchange, leading some people out.

I remember #Kobzon (famous singer & MP) was requested by terrorists to show up - and he did. A woman and 3 children were released.

I also remember, Ahmat #Kadyrov (father of Ramzan) being requested. It was promised 50 people will be freed. He chickened out - they were not.

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