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Feb 25th 2018
I'm at the #ICCA semi-finals at UCLA cause my little cousin is in a college acapella group. If you don't know what the ICCAs are, think Pitch Perfect but without the comedy writing of @KayKayCannon. I've just been told this might last 3.5hrs. To survive, I'm going to live-tweet.
Thank you for joining me at this time. At the moment, I can tell you my uncle has already failed at setting up the tripod for his phone on time and is stressed that he's going to miss the first group...which my cousin/his son is NOT a part of.
We've been informed that because every group only gets a HARD 12mins, we can only do a quick "enthusiastic" clap in between songs, then one long "enthusiastic" clap at the end of each set. They made us practice this.
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