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Mar 23rd 2021
NEXT UP: #1 seed Harpy Eagle vs #8 seed Ghost Bat, with lots of battle narration guidance from @Mammals_Suck #2021MMM A harpy eagle perches on a branch against a light blue sky. A pale white-grey ghost bat photographed hanging downward. I
The Harpy Eagle is an avian 'QUEEN of the jungle', documented to prey upon at least 102 species of mammal, bird, and reptile (Miranda 2020, #2021MMM A harpy eagle sitting on a large horizontal branch against a
Learning to hunt by juvenile Eagles seems to be mostly trial-and-error. Juveniles are unlikely to learn to hunt directly from their parents. Instead, parents stop providing food, forcing youngsters to just figure it out (Cavalcante et al 2019, #2021MMM A juvenile harpy eagle sitting on a branch against a green,
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