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Mar 28th 2022
Deciding is the process of choosing which knowledge should be drawn upon

“what is”
the facts - your broader understanding of the cause-effect machinery that underlies it, then

“what to do about it”
Weighing them to determine a course of action

@RayDalio Using @Swae_io - people crowdsource 'the facts' #collaboratively and #inclusively, so everyone gets their voice heard.

This helps make good ideas, great and takes in a diverse range of opinions.

It can also help sense-check, de-bias, de-risk and remove harmful emotions
@RayDalio Once 'the facts' are in place, its time to determine a course of action.

Voting for ideas based on merit brings about more successful outcomes (rather than voting for the #HiPPO's idea).

Swae even lets you vote 'negatively' so unfeasible ideas can be curtailed, saving resources
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