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Mar 1st 2021

Cooking shows in India owe a lot to the charismatic chefs and hosts that took the genre outside its stuffy prescriptive formula, transforming it from a domestic chore to an industry that was suddenly glamorous. It’s beginnings were, of course, on Doordarshan.
The first was Dawat, aired in 1991. It was hosted by Jiggs Kalra, a restaurant critic and food journalist. He would bring on a unique chef and guest for each of the 32 episodes. A full year of research went into the show. A Reddit user remembers Kapil Dev being a guest, in tears
due to a dish with whole red chillies in it.

Tarla Dalal, famous from her bestselling vegetarian cookbooks, cooked for 'Cook it up with Tarla Dala' on Sony. Dalal's lack of hosting pizzazz was made up by the co-host, the humourous actor Sudhanshu Pandey,
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