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May 19th 2022
Johnny Depp v Amber Heard has concluded for the week of 5/16-5/19 2022.

Court will resume 5/23/16 w/ the remainder of Ms. Heard's case. This will be followed by Mr. Depp's request for Summary Judgement on the counterclaim. Judge Azcarate will likely not dismiss the counterclaim.
Johnny Depp then will begin his Rebuttal case. The trial is scheduled to conclude w/ closing arguments 5/27/22. It's unknown what time the jury will begin deliberations or if they will have a verdict prior to the Memorial Day weekend. It may be early June before we have a verdict
Judge Azcarate has allowed both Johnny Depp & Amber Heard an equal amount of time to present their cases, once time is up, they are finished, no exceptions.

Johnny Depp has 18 hours 30 minutes remaining.
Amber Heard has 8 hours 14 minutes remaining.
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