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Dec 19th 2021
One of the most renowned diamond- The Koh-i-noor Which is currently in one of the UK Museum, was originally owned by Goddess Bhadrakali of Warangal, Telangana.
Here's how it was looted from The Bhadrakali temple!
#Thread #IslamicInvasion #Warangal
Goddess Bhadrakali temple, located in Warangal district of Telangana Is the original owner of the Koh-i-noor diamond. Koh-i-Noor was originally mined from world famous diamond mine "Kollur mine".
King Pulakesi II of Chalukya dynasty around 625 AD to commemorate his victory over Vengi region of Andhra Desam, constructed Goddess Bhadrakali temple, and later the Kakatiyas installed the Koh-i-noor diamond in the left eye of Goddess Bhadrakali and made her as their Kuladevata.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
You all might heard of Athi varadar- The Lord who is worshipped once in 40 years!
But do you know the Islamic Invasion which led the temple management to immerse Lord athi varadar vigraha under the sacred pushkarini back then?

Read on to know!
Athi-varadar- The deity who gives darshan once in 40 years has given his darshan recently from july 01,2019 till August 18, 2019. Located in Vishnu Kanchi, Tamilnadu.
The deity of Athi harwar is one among the four deities of Lord Varadaraja worshipped by Lord Bramha. It is said that the deity was carved out of fog tree wood by Vishwakarma in Satya Yuga.
This was the Mula-Vigraha worshipped in the sanctum of Kanchi Varadaraja Perumal temple.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
Many know about the cutting-edge architecture of Sri Rangam temple, few fortunate may have visited the temple. but do you know the Islamic invasions on Sri Rangam temple? Do you know that the Utsav Murti was in exile for 50 years?
Read on to know what happened!
#TamilnaduTemples ImageImage
Malik kafur was one of the prominent slave generals of Alauddin khilji. In 1311, Kafur’s army breached the Pandya empire via the pass at present-day Thoppur and attempted to capture Vira Pandya, Kulasekara Pandya’s son.
Unable to do so, he then proceeded towards to ransack the temple in Chidambaram and then turned to Srirangam, Which was very popular for its richness/wealth.Kafur’s army entered the Srirangam temple via its northern enclosures.
Read 13 tweets

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