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Apr 28th 2022
#jcpuppyweek Look don't judge me alright. You guys know I am incapable of writing fluff, okay! I tried! I truly did try! But... 🥲

Teapots... >.>

The thing about dogs is that once you've earned their loyalty and affection, you had it for life.
Regardless if you were cruel and gave the dog nothing but violence, the dog, while still shivering in fear of you, would still approach in hopes you would continue to give them love.

Jiang Cheng had three puppies given to him.

Little Love, Princess, and Jasmine.
He loved these dogs so much. (And he would continue to love those three dogs until the day he uttered his last breath)

Each of the sisters had their own unique personalities and traits.
Read 31 tweets

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