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Aug 2nd 2021

Thokozani nine besive lesimnyama🖐️

Greetings to Sons & Daughters of the Soil.

One more time, it has come to me to speak about something that could be a puzzle to many people, yet they hear a lot about it. "uMoya or Imimoya emibi" AKA bad spirits.

#Linguistically, it is a spirit that is BAD &  Negative or any existing thing containing a negative energy in it.

For e.g. if a person influences you negatively about something or someone : One would say "lowomuntu unomoya omubi"
or that person contains some bad spirits in him/her.

Why would that person be associated with Umoya omubi when one have just spoken bad on someone & be interpreted as a bad influence! 

It is because a "bad influence" it is control by a force behind it which is normally BAD &
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