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Aug 23rd 2022
The greatest damage of #Jobgrabber's shopping spree through cabinet isn't in the sordid mechanics of it, but rather in the reputational damage it causes; democracy is fragile and exploitable, convention is optional, rules can be flouted, trust in social structures diminishes.
This broken ground is where despotism flowers. Trashing the rules, the laws, the expectations we have of institutions, is the modus operandi of half a dozen actors across the globe - Trump, Boris, Morrison, Erdoğan in Turkey, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Orbán in Hungary. 2/3
That these buffoonish, cynical, not very bright, yet profoundly cunning actors, rise at all, succeed at first, remain dominant for a time and then inevitably fail by their own sheer vanity and nasty temperament, is a post-modern phenomenon no one is close to understanding. 3/3
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