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Jun 8th 2023
He was born in Mayiladuthurai district in a town called Thiuvrezhundhur in the 12th century. It is said that Kambar's father was Adithan and Kambar's son was Ambigapathi. Ambikapati, being a poet, fell in love with Amaravati, the daughter of the Chola king. A failed Image
competition in poetry led to the Chola king refusing his daughter and killing Ambikapati. Due to this misfortune Kambar poignantly poems by Dasaratha when he misses his son Rama in Ramayana. Due to the conflict with the Chola king, Kambar went to Andhra for sometime. He was
supported by Sadayappa Vallal when he had no support from the king. Sadayappar was the Lord of a small area called Trikartha. Later the Chola king himself supported Kambar. The Chola king bequeathed Kambanadu to Kambar. Chola also gave the title Kavichakaravarthy. The epic
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